Alyse Kwapien
Director of Cash Management & University Bursar
University of Connecticut
Alyse is the Director of Cash Management and University Bursar at the University of Connecticut. A Husky through and through, Alyse’s first job was scooping ice cream at the well-loved UConn Dairy Bar while in high school. She then went on to receive her Bachelor’s in Accounting from UConn and began her career as an auditor and tax professional for a public accounting firm. She quickly found her way back to UConn where she began working in the Office of the Bursar Cash Operations unit as a frontline cashier in 2011. She then obtained a Master of Public Administration degree and continued to grow her career in the Office of the Bursar. Alyse has been in her current role for two years and oversees student billing and related collections, incoming student payments, outgoing student disbursements, incoming departmental receipts, outgoing vendor payments, Perkins loans, non-student accounts receivables, and all related reconciliations.
Alyse Kwapien

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