Generating Income Growth: Understanding the goals of a new generation of students and the financial literacy tools to get them there
Tuesday, September 24, 2024, 2:20 PM - 3:00 PM

As our economy continues to change and grow, more and more people are joining the gig economy, diving into freelance gigs, side projects, and short-term jobs. This includes current and potential higher education students – who may choose work in the gig economy, may already be on that path to support their academic goals, and more. Understanding their financial goals is critical to supporting their academic ones – and ensuring the best student outcomes.

This interactive and highly-rated financial literacy session will:

  • Delve into the specific financial hurdles and advantages the gig generation encounters
  • Explore real insight and tools to empower your student population and yourself for the changing economic landscape
  • Provide actionable tips for preparing this generation with financial literacy skills and securing financial stability in this ever-changing landscape